For an instrument to sound good is imperative to have it well-tuned. You must first learn the names of the strings of the guitar. The sixth (the thickest) is E, the fifth is A, the fourth is D, the third is G, the second is B, and the first is E. An easy way to remember them is with an acronym, as "Eat All Day Get Big Easy".
Even if play alone, it is desirable that the notes of his guitar they have the correct tone. The C bass (fifth string tread on the third fret) corresponds to middle C on the piano. Anyway in the diagram below it provides the sounds for the six strings.
It is very important that the strings are also tuned with each other. If each string is tuned by reference to the sound of other instrument, you cannot appreciate small differences in pitch between them exactly, and then if you play a chord you feel it sounds bad.
A simple way to keep the guitar tuned is take into account that:
Here the tuning is done based on the sound of the sixth string, which is correct. There are those who do the reverse, and adjust the second string until if press on the fifth fret its sound is equal of the first, which is taken as base. Then do the same with the third string comparing with the second, and so on.
To have no problems in the above diagram has been included Guitar Tuner, so that clicking on the name of each branch will have the correct sound for the guitar in tune.
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