It is assumed that you already know a few chords, enough to accompany a song. Then it's time to start practicing strumming the strings with his right hand, or the strumming accompaniment.
What capacity do you need to begin to accompany, for example, a zamba?
- You must know, without thinking, the position of the fingers of his left hand to form chords.
- The notes should sound clearly, the fingers should tread well the strings without disturb the sound of the others.
- You must be able to switch from one chord to another by moving all the fingers at the same time, without need to "accommodate" one by one. Fingers "must go it alone".
These three conditions are achieved by practicing. The more you practice the better. Should practice at least an hour a day, that to avoid boredom could be broken into periods of 10 or 15 minutes, and at any time of day (if you are a busy person you can "steal" readily of their time).
At first it will hurt the tips of the fingers, but after a few days are going to get used and no longer will feel it. Also will delay much in changing from one chord to another, but gradually you will notice that the hand "learns" and the fingers seek for themselves the right place.