(Relative minor: A minor)
The numbers enclosed within a circle represent the fingers they step on the strings. The "1" is the index finger, the "2" is the medium or major, the "3" is the ring, and "4" is the little finger. The strings to the air have a "0" at the top, and the sinuous line along a fret indicates the barre chord.
Each major scale tone has a relative minor scale tone, which in the case of C major is A minor. This is not a fickle thing and casual, and has a theoretical foundation, but is beyond the scope of this introductory course. Anyway it does not hurt to know what are the minor chords that often attached to major chords in the accompaniment of a piece, because it facilitates the memorize of them.
For clarity, in the same order, below you can see the pictures with the positions for each chord.
C Major | G Dominant | F Major |