Strum of the Chamarrita

The Chamarrita is a typical rhythm of the province of Entre Rios, Argentina, and somewhat similar to the milonga, but has a very peculiar strumming. Usually it is accompanied by plucking the strings, although can also be done with a strum, but always tapping the basses (sixth and fifth strings) with your thumb.

With the thumb (P) is plucked the 6th or 5th string, and the with the other fingers (M) it will do a strum back and forth over the strings sharper sound (3rd, 2nd and 1st), upward, then downward, again upward and one more time back down, thus completing the bar. You can also pluck these strings using the index for 3rd, middle for 2nd, and ring finger for 1st, which in this case pluck the strings upward, as is usually done to accompany Milonga surera. As mentioned in another part of the course, this way of playing guitar is beyond the scope of this course. But if you have a good ear, you can try using as a guide the Hermanos Cuestas recordings, for instance.

To make things easier I put an animation with sound with the movement of the hand so that you can imitate it. With what you already know, should not take long to learn to do so with some ease.

Animation with sound accompanying of the Chamarrita